From Giveaway to Growth: A Step-by-Step Guide to Turning Leads Into Loyal Clients from a Giveaway

Giveaways aren’t just a way to increase your likes and comments—they’re a powerful tool to grow your client base when used strategically. In this blog post, we’ll break down how to run a giveaway, convert participants into paying clients, and even take it one step further by leveraging paid ads to amplify your results.

Step 1: Launch Your Giveaway

  • Choose a prize your audience will love, anywhere from 1 to 3 free massage/bodywork sessions can be a great place to start.

  • Post about your giveaway in local Facebook groups, Instagram, and your page with clear instructions on how to enter (e.g., comment, share, or tag a friend).

  • Decide on the window they have to enter the giveaway before the winner(s) is drawn (3 days to 1 week)

Step 2: Select A Winner

  • Select your winners! You can use a randomizer app or website to draw the name or you could write the names down and pull them the old-fashioned way.

  • Announce your winners on your social media, group, or digital platform that you use. Recording a video of you pulling the name can make it more personable and add some marketing bonus points for you. You can also take a screen recording and share it if you use a random name picker app!

  • We recommend gifting the sessions in the form of gift certificates that they are then required to schedule on their own time. The winner(s) of the giveaway can be likely to turn into loyal clients, so make sure you give them an amazing experience when they cash in their prize.

Step 3: Offer an Irresistible Follow-Up

  • After the giveaway, reach out to every participant with an exclusive offer, such as $20 off their first session, or 90 minutes for the price of a 60. Depending on the need you have for clients and immediate cash, you can adjust the offer to best align with your business needs and goals.

  • The fortune is in the follow-up, if they don’t respond or book immediately, follow up again 1-2 days later. 

  • Even if they don’t accept the offer, encourage them to join your email list for updates and future deals. This ensures you get them on your marketing list and can continue to nurture the lead.

  • Use tools like chat GPT to create a really compelling message you can send them, especially if you’re not the best with your own words. Ask Chat GPT to create a heartfelt message to follow up with giveaway participants after a giveaway and explain what your giveaway was for. You can tell Chat GPT that you want to thank them for participating and offer them a special offer then use what Chat GPT gives you to craft a compelling message to send to your giveaway participants.

Step 4: Amplify with Ads

  • Turn your giveaway into a paid engagement ad or leads ad, targeting your local community to increase visibility and reach.

  • Use the Meta Ads Manager to reach an even larger audience, and track your results to see what works so you can leverage that in future ads.

Step 5: Build Loyalty

  • When participants come in, impress them with exceptional service and care.

  • Invite them to join your membership, get on your mailing list, or follow your social media for ongoing value and connection.

Why It Works:

We’ve used this exact strategy in our own business and saw that it created hundreds of leads and loyal clients who have stuck with us for years. By taking an active approach to following up with participants, you’ll maximize your chances of turning a simple giveaway into lasting business growth and get new clients in the door.

Want even more details on how to set this up using Meta’s Ads Manager? Join the Virtual Studio for Bodyworkers today for access to our FB and Instagram Ads guide as well as our newly released in-depth podcast episode on running ads, setting up your account, and tracking results like a pro.

Inside the virtual studio, we provide you with tverything you need to run successful ad campaigns and grow your business with more ease.


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